Connected to Church
The “church” refers to the overall churches, or churches that Christian writers belong to.
Generally speaking, most Chinese churches have a vague idea about “writing as a ministry”, and do not sponsor seminary students who are called to serve through writings. Therefore, the GCWMI is not recognized as one of the “missionary” organizations that churches would normally consider supporting. It is one of GCWMI’s goals to bridge the gap between churches and servants of writing ministry, so that the importance of writing ministry could be fully acknowledged and church members who are gifted in writing can also be stirred up” to participate in this ministry.
Therefore, the Institute has successfully introduced classes such as “Reading from a Christian Perspective”, and “Christianity and the Pop Culture” to churches as well as seminary schools. It is our hope that through these classes and various forms of dialogues the vision of “writing ministry” can be shared among all pastors, Christian spiritual leaders and Christian laymen. In addition, the GCWMI strives to be adopted as a sponsored “missionary” organization so that the vision of writing ministry can be passed on in a deep and meaningful way.