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Establishing Writers Communities

創文另一負擔是要把基督徒「文字人」結合起來,成為一個社群(community),我們深信創作也許在孤獨中完成,但生命絕對是在社群中長成。 許多基督徒作者,或因著藝術家性格或因其特別負擔教會不大理解,多是單打獨鬥,散兵游勇,感到上無統帥、旁無戰友。我們希望能建立基督徒文人社群,在這社群中提供牧養、團契和傳承。 社群的建立有幾方面:

A. 鼓勵各地辦讀書會或寫作團契

  • 南加州洛城寫作團契:2000年成立。在莫非和蘇文安牧師的帶領下,是目前歷史最久,最有成果的。


  • 德州耘心寫作團契:2009年成立。
  • 美東電話空中讀書分享:2009年成立。
  • 南加千橡城讀書會:2009年成立。
  • 大陸上海初熟之果:2010年成立。

B. 鼓勵學生開部落格(大陸稱博客),並彼此聯繫。

C. 建立創文窗口博客

  • 2009年成立部落格:莫非不朽的傳說。
  • 2010年成立書評部落格:一杯的閱讀筆記。
  • Writers Q & A(待開發)

D. 發送各樣投稿或文學獎資訊和學生刊登資訊

  • 藉流動資訊來營造一個活潑生動的文字社群環境。

E. 日後盼能開發網上文字心靈導友

  • 作跨空間、更深入的文字帶領。

F. 舉行華人基督徒作者大會

  • 創文的異象之一是在時代裡攜手,盼能藉此大會能提供一個平台,幫助當代基督徒作者連結。

G. 辦華人基督教文學獎

  • 盼能藉此活動吸引更多基督徒作者投入更精緻、有生命力的文學寫作。也盼能藉此能接觸更多的當代基督徒作者,在時代裡攜手。

One of the burdens shared by the GWCMI is to build a community for those who are committed to the advancement of the Kingdom through the use of the written word. We believe that creativity may be born out of solitude, but apart from community there is no spiritual growth. 

Some Christian writers are depicted as loners who rarely spend time with other people due to their artistic characteristics or for some special reasons. It is our hope to build a Christian-based writers community in which they can be supported, nurtured, and have fellowships with one another.

Ways of forming a community:

A. Encourage local book clubs or writers fellowship groups. 

  • Southern California Chinese Christian Writers’Guild in Los Angeles: founded in 2000, Spearheaded by Teresina Chen and Pastor Andrew Su, is one of the oldest and successful Chinese Christian Writers’ Guilds.  

Besides Los Angeles, local book clubs were formed in other cities  after GCWMI introduced its “Literature Appreciation” class.

  • Yun-Xin Christian Writers Guild was formed in 2009 in Texas.
  • East Coast KRC Book Club was formed in 2009.
  • Thousand Oaks Book Club was formed in 2009 in S. California.
  • The First Fruits Book Club was formed in 2010 in Shanghai, China.

B. Encourage students to write their own blogs.

C. Start GCWMI Website

  • Southern California Chinese Christian Writers’Guild in Los Angeles: founded in 2000, Spearheaded by Teresina Chen and Pastor Andrew Su, is one of the oldest and successful Chinese Christian Writers’ Guilds.  

Besides Los Angeles, local book clubs were formed in other cities  after GCWMI introduced its “Literature Appreciation” class.

  • Yun-Xin Christian Writers Guild was formed in 2009 in Texas.
  • East Coast KRC Book Club was formed in 2009.
  • Thousand Oaks Book Club was formed in 2009 in S. California.
  • The First Fruits Book Club was formed in 2010 in Shanghai, China.

D. Updates on news about Literary Awards, published articles by GCWMI students and all sorts of writing opportunities

E. On-line Spiritual mentorship program for writers

F. National Chinese Christian Writers Conference

  • One of GCWMI’s visions is to provide networking with other Christian Writers organizations to work collaboratively to the advancement of the Kingdom.

G. Sponsor Chinese Christian Literary Awards

  • Through these networking and mentoring opportunities, Chinese Christian writers are encouraged to devote their writing talents to literary works that would transform lives by the power of the Holy Spirit and work together for the Kingdom purpose.